Monday, September 26, 2011

A Better Me

On my first post, I would like to explain more about this blog, and in what direction I want it to go.  When I was in my 20's, and even early into my 30's, I was still going about not really concerning myself with how my daily life, then, could effect my life ( health, happiness, well-being ) in the future.  But now, at 43, being uninsured, dealing with unemployment, having developed Menieres disease, under-active thyroid and more recently diverticulitis, I have had to stop and reevaluate how I approach my lifestyle.  What that means is a slow overhaul has become necessary.  What I'd like to make note of, however, is that health is not restrained to ones physical well-being. Health, as far as I'm concerned, encompasses every area of a person's life.  I am going to spend the next several blogs going through the areas that I have needed to address in my own life. And then I will begin posting daily updates in regards to the personal changes I have needed to make in order  to cultivate a healthier lifestyle for myself.  This is not a prelude for any sort of product I'm peddling. I am just a regular person who is beginning to take steps into the unfamiliar in order to improve my life. This blog is just one of those steps.  Thanks for stopping by! More to come!  ~ Helen